mega888 ewallet Grace United Church of Christ :: Scholarship Fund

Rev. C. Harry & Helen E. Kehm Scholarship

Scholarship Information

The purpose of the Reverend C. Harry Kehm and Helen E. Kehm Scholarship Fund is to provide scholarships for higher or continuing education. The award will be given on the first Sunday in June. Any member of Grace United Church of Christ, Allentown, PA who has been in good standing for three (3) years is eligible to apply for this award. Financial need will not determine eligibility. A previous year's recipient and prior applicants may re-apply for the current year.


How to Apply

Applicants shall apply by letter, stating the applicant's qualifications (such as community involvement, family background and scholastic interest and achievements, extra-curricular activities and transcripts) and indicating what desired higher education will mean to that applicant and the role expected for such education in that applicant's future. Applications should be received by March 1st. The letter should be sent to the church office, 623 Cleveland Street, Allentown, PA 18103. Please mark on the front of the envelope Scholarship Committee. On the applications, please include your name, address and telephone number.

May 07, 2024


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